Friday, July 3, 2015

Olives and Oleander in Olvera

What a fabulous few months we have had travelling around Andalucia to create some truly amazing weddings and memories for our wonderful couples.  

Ches first emailed me last year and said she wanted to hold her wedding at her mother's house in Olvera, between Ronda and Seville.  I of course immediately took on the challenge as can never resist these ones and off we shot to Olvera to do a reccie.  

Actually I cannot use the expression 'shot' as it took me a good few hours to get there but it was so worth it with such spectacular, stunning views across the Sierra de Lijar and La Harinas mountains.  

Since then I have travelled up a different route every time, not quite sure how this happened, but one took me over 3 hours but it was very picturesque!

We rallied up our most stalwartly suppliers for this task to set up camp in Olvera to create this fabulous wedding for Ches and Scott.  What fun we had!

We arrived the day before just as the heatwave started and checked into the most charming tiny Airbnb house in the town which rather invoked some curiosity amongst the locals as we landed complete with wedding paraphernalia of ribbons, baskets, lanterns and vintage furniture!   We were talk of the town by breakfast on the day of the wedding and all the locals knew about La Boda de Extranjeros.

We particularly drew attention to ourselves when I took a wrong turn out the town and found myself completely wedged in a narrow street, a wing mirror and wheel arch less and a few scrapes later I was out the rather alarming predicament of streets becoming so narrow you held your breath in the hope the car would shrink but sadly it got a bit of damage.  It is not the first time and won't be the last but just pleased I don't drive an expensive car!

We set too early knowing it was going to get shockingly hot and put together all the finishing touches to the day.  Many things such as the flowers could not be put out until the cocktail was underway and we created the cheese wedding tower too at the last minute due to the heat, never have I had to stand in a fridge as often as I could to admire the cupcakes!

Ches's mother had been busy too creating all sorts of wonderful things for the wedding including having a gazebo built, making confetti cones, ordering in haystacks and assembling a very quaint, eclectic mix of furniture, throws and cushions to create a really cool chill out. 

Aunt had been drafted in to make the cupcakes, it did of course help she was a professional baker and gradually the whole day came together with some wonderful suppliers such as the local Spanish guitarist and flamenco dancers all showing up to create a fabulous evening.

We would like to thank the suppliers who enabled us to do this wedding, Julia and her fabulous team from Gusto Catering providing some very mouthwatering food.  Silvia from Marbella Parties setting up all the lighting and background stuff, as I call it, from catering marquees to parasols and to Agata Jensen for these rather cool images.

One comment that summed the wedding up from a guest, as she launched herself upon me, was it was effing awesome as they rocked into the night with DJ Godoy!

Our congratulations to Ches and Scott and thank you to everyone who played a part in this effing awesome wedding!

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