Sunday, July 5, 2015

Bridal tips - Are you up to Speed with the Wedding Social Media?!

My life is weddings... bride chats, chatting about flowers, decoration, timings of the day, food, drinks, entertainment, you name it we chat about it!

So unsurprisingly we are what we like to think, up to speed, with all the latest wedding technology that is out there.

I am lucky I have 3 daughters who make sure I am completely up to speed!

So thankfully I am able to chat hashtags, Instagram, have you got your Wedpics account set up, do you wish us to promote your Instagram wedding hashtag, Wedpics photo app ID, Appy Couple, etc and surprisingly many of my brides have not heard of these.

I was chatting to one of my brides about her wedding and I suggested the Wedpics website, she had not heard of it and thought it was a great idea so is currently setting up her account ready for her wedding in a few weeks.

It is these times which allow me to ruffle and plump up my wedding peacock feathers and feel slightly more ahead on the teccie front!  Well I like to think so!  But it made me realise this blog post could be useful to many brides about to host their wedding.

So have you got your Instagram wedding hashtag ready?

Have you set up your Wedpics account ready for your guests to download all their photos and videos to your dedicated wedding Wedpic account?

If you have just started your wedding planning, have you set up your Appy Couple wedding website?!!

If you haven't, do, they are great fun and a brilliant way of sharing your wedding details and all your photos on one social media site so go and check them out.

If you are planning your wedding in Spain we also have a useful information guide so do contact us if you would like this to share on your wedding website.

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