Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wedding Trends for 2015 in Spain

Finally we reach the end of September which has been an amazing month of creating beautiful weddings here in Spain.

We have been hot footing it around Andalucia leaving our trails of ribbons, confetti and glitter in Malaga, Seville, Sotogrande and Marbella working at some of our favourite and fabulous venues.

Tonight we head into the glorious month of October which is one of my favourite months.

Not only because it is my birthday, and a big one this year, but also whilst we are doing a few more weddings this month, it is a time when the country finally seems to slow down back to the laid back Spain we know and love.  The tourists have left along with the intense heat, car parks and shops are accessible again and life takes on a quieter more refined air about it!

It is at this time I love to look back at the past year and summarise what we achieved and look forward to the next year.  We now have precious time to look at trends and design ideas for our up and coming weddings and work with our future couples planning and creating their dream days.

I thought I would share with you some of the new colour and design trends I can see popping up for 2015.  2014 was very much the year of blush and golds and soft romantic styles which will continue into 2015 but greens will play a bigger role from dark evergreens to the soft mints.

Foliage and succulents will play a much bigger part with the now popular loose style bouquets, dreamy ceremony backdrops and nature will feature heavily creating romantic scenes using live trees and woodland styles.

Another trend I spotted this year was a bigger importance again on favours, which have been scarce since 2007 due to the recession and wavering wedding budgets.

But this year we saw more couples bring a favour budget back into their wedding presenting some delightful gifts to their guests from miniature wedding cakes beautifully presented in boxes to pretty candles, cool bottles stoppers and some exquisite and luxury chocolates.   If you do have to know yes I tested some but with the bride's permission!

We are tapping our fingers now waiting very patiently for our hugely talented photographers to send us more images of our actual weddings here in Spain so until this moment we will continue now to share ideas and more inspirations with you as we enjoy the winter and work on our future wedding designs.

Our image credits go to Decor 8 and Pinterest.

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