Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gin Palaces for Weddings

I have always enjoyed watching the world of fashion and forseeing what is next as this is part of my role as a designer and stylist.

My wedding business has a strong emphasis on style and creativity, as this is my professional background, and I do like to make sure we create trends and are leaders, not followers within our industry.

 I am also very fortunate that I am able to keep up-to-date with the very latest trends coming out of London, the forefront City of contemporary design.

This is mainly due to the fact that I have a wonderfully stylish sister that lives and works in London in Publishing.   As a Director of a Publishing House she commissions beautifully styled and photographed books about the latest food, drinks and interiors.

 So you can imagine I often pick her brains over a nice beach lunch when she is here in Marbella and how lucky am I !

So after a bit of brain storming on her last trip here, for a particular wedding, I was asking what the latest trends were in London that we could apply them to our weddings for 2014 and also to my Alice in Wonderland themed wedding we created and designed recently.

One thing we both loved was the latest arrival of the Gin Bars or Gin Palaces.

We have all done the Lemonade Bars now with our cute glass dispensers and paper straws and of course the Mojito Bars with our pots of mint and crushed ice, so what is next, well it is time to become more sophisticated and embrace the Gin Palaces!

There is a wonderful array of gin based cocktails out there from the classic Gin and Tonic to a Blush Punch, The Bramble, The Bronx, Gin Fizz and The Negroni.

I have been looking on Pinterest and generally researching this idea to bring into our weddings next year, let´s ditch the rustic vintage lemonade for a more glamorous affair as this recession finally leaves us!

Sophisticated and stylish Gin Palaces I predict will now storm wedding world!

I, for one, cannot wait to do some testing over the winter and have found this fabulous company in London who have many gin based cocktail recipes called the Travelling Gin Company.  All I have to do now is work out how to style this trendy new idea for 2014 weddings and like gin !

I have many more ideas and trends up my sleeves that I will share with you over the winter months so do follow us on Facebook or our blog to keep up to date with our latest 2014 wedding trends.

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