Friday, December 14, 2012

Overstyling your Wedding

I am not a TV person, unless it is Claridges :) so every night I look through many of my favourite blogs and websites. I suppose it is a step up from my magazine obsession I had 15 years ago but far cheaper!
Most of my reading lists are about styling interiors, weddings and fashions in order to find things that interest me and to predict and forecast the latest trends.
I have always adored looking at beautiful images of weddings and homes for inspiration to create beautiful spaces. I love studying colours and textures, traditions, history of art, shapes and lighting. 
One thought tonight though crossed my mind, which is rather strange as I am a stylist and this is my profession and obsession, but can a wedding be overstyled? 
I have seen some images recently that have made me think about this question. 
The answer is yes weddings can be overstyled if done badly.
There are a huge amount of beautiful inspirations out there and many wedding photo shoots, but there is a skill required to put this together, get it wrong and it looks awful, get it right with the perfect balance and you are on course for a heavenly wedding!
Do make sure whoever you hire for your wedding or if you are DIYing has the eye for style, colour, taste and balancing when creating your wedding day.  Do say no to obviously homemade accessories, I have seen an expensive wedding ruined this year by ghastly handmade placecards smuggled in!
We look at fashion gone wrong everyday, don´t do this for your wedding!
I have not posted any photos for this blog post apart from a lovely festive photo as I do not wish anything or anyone to take offence in the wrong context albeit I like posting pretty images :)!

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