Friday, October 26, 2012

Tutus and Tea

Gosh, as I type this blog post I am sitting curled cosily up on my terrace listening and watching some pretty serious rain! 
When it finally decides to rain here in Spain it really does chuck it down, hundreds of litres of the wet stuff is currently pouring out the skies along with a bit of lightening and thunder thrown in for good measure.
The weather here in Spain is never what I would describe as mild, it is either gloriously sunny or dramatically torrential rain!
Many of my clients, past and future, I have noticed are emailing me at the moment asking what I am up to and what we get up to in the winter :)  I thought this was rather sweet so sharing some of my ´what I get up to in the winter months with you!´
Well today the weather was grotty, and still is so it has been a day of working on wedding designs, blog and new ideas and inspirations, putting quotes together and it seems numerous cups of tea, tea first thing, tea with biscuit, tea with a chicken sandwich and tea with a cake! 
I have a dog that hates the rain so have had a day of trying to ply him out his hiding place and put him outside. I also have two cats I hate, they are a nuisance and of course with the rain they have been hanging around all day meowing and driving me insane.  However I ended up with all these animals is due to my two older daughters, pleading with me as children to get pets, now they have both left home and muggings here is left feeding and looking after them?!
Currently I am contemplating duck egg blue for my long neglected kitchen and considering making a tutu for Twinks, not sure why would just be fun! 
I have new lights and taps for the house but need to find a good handyman to put them all up, bedrooms need tidying up, reorganising and a freshen up and generally some housekeeping is going on!
We have a Halloween party planned for next week at Twinks´s school and of course now decorating the house with spooky things, so perhaps this is a good excuse to make a tutu for a Halloween party, if not it will be for Christmas fairy things! :)
It is a month for me of birthdays, me and my wonderful mother, friends and family visiting us, my aunt arrived last night and so far has not been blessed with the best weather Spain has to offer but nevertheless remaining cheerful!  We will see how she is on Saturday ;)!
Yesterday was spent decorating a corporate cocktail party and we are looking forward to a wedding in November so making lists and getting ready for this as well.
This evening I made a rather yummy beef curry, it seemed Mercadona had predicted the entire population would all want beef tonight and had a vast amount of it proudly displayed on their fresh meat counter so along with some very yummy Indian green chillis given to me by a lovely caterer this week, I was on a roll in the kitchen this afternoon.  It was delicious and we ate on our terrace albeit we are under cover and garden is currently waterlogged so did not venture out there!
We are currently refurbing the shop and also putting together a new very exciting spanish vintage stationery range with one of our brides from this year, updating all our products and planning marketing strategies so it is all very exciting times that we only have time for in the winter.
Many new clients are visiting us and we had 4 weddings book with us in the past week including a wedding in Girona which is very exciting as we expand across Spain :)  I have also noticed we are taking bookings for the entire year rather than isolated popular months which is interesting.
Life is a strange one though and you have to live it whilst you can, we had some rather tragic news today which I will not blog about as it is not appropriate at this time but life is there for today, make the most of it, I am, you never know what is around the corner x

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