Thursday, March 17, 2011

Reviva are having an Interview on TRE Radio

Last week, I have to confess, I dipped my toe in the water of talking live on the Radio!

I had absolutely no idea what I was in for but was volunteered by Charlotte to appear on the women's talk hour, a bit like loose women I suppose. So having received a phone call from the wonderful presenter Hannah Murray, off I drove, on a very wet afternoon, to the studios in San Pedro really not knowing what I was in for!

I had been told I was to be part of a chat show for an hour with two other women talking about general subjects that were in the news that week.
What fun I had, once I had worked out how to eat carrot cake, adjust the microphone and speak at all the same time :) I suppose us women call this multi tasking but it was not hard work at all.
Having completed my first round I was thrilled and have since been told I was a natural, all lies of course, I have been invited back to TRE next week to talk about a subject close to my heart and I can imagine you are all guessing what this is!
Wedding world of course, I will be chatting to the lovely Hannah about how I started up Reviva, our journey, wedding world in general and I also hope to start to promote the Butterfly Ball that we are sponsoring here on the 11th June at the Puente Romano hotel for the Rhys Daniels Trust.
We have decorated this event for the past 3 years and this is now a charity very close to my heart that I will continue to support.
It is of course born out of a tragedy suffered by parents, that I cannot even begin to comprehend, that has resulted in doing good as they raise money to provide people, with very ill children, accommodation in rent free homes near the hospitals so that they can move in and lead as normal as lives as possible whilst their children are being treated, quite often far away from home, in London or one of the major cities.
The Daniel Rhys Trust buy properties and adapt them into comfortable rent free homes to support and house families going through traumatic times and take away that stress allowing them to concentrate on their terribly sick children.
There are so many heart stopping stories that I could not even begin to describe them, they, to be honest, reduce me to tears, and I am very adamant that this is such a worthwhile charity that I will continue to support them and do the best I can to make the Butterfly Ball a success here in Marbella.
The Butterfly Ball is now in it's 11th year and is supported by many celebrities such as Max Clifford and the event consists of a golfing tournament and the Ball.
I have some very spooky stories that surround this charity, last year I had Patti, the organiser, in our shop discussing the details of the event and a butterfly flew into the shop, fluttered around us and we were left silent, Patti then told me many other stories about this happening when she was organising the Butterfly events, it made me shiver actually.
We have never had a butterfly in our shop before or since!?
We have the unenviable task of creating 400 goody bags for this event, but having started early we are actually doing very well:)
If anyone would like to sponsor us with a charity prize or something for our goody bags then please do get in touch, the sooner the better as you will be featured in the publicity and the literature for this event which attracts many hi profile clients from Marbella, London and beyond.
I will be on the radio next week on TRE at 2pm on the 23rd March so please do tune in to hear me talk about wedding world and our latest campaign for the Butterfly Ball.

If you would like to sponsor us with a charity prize or fill our goody bags then please do email me at

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful cause, Laura! I can imagine how you feel being able to support by decorating their annual ball. Apparently that "little butterfly" approves!
