Saturday, March 5, 2011

Camping Inspiration for a Wedding?!

I just love Twitter it is throwing up so many fabulous websites and links, it is a bit like picking up a magazine and reading so many creative articles by so many talented people, that otherwise would go missed!
This one caught my eye tonight, A Camping Inspiration for a Wedding?!
Posted on Love and Lavender's site, I had to go and check this one out as I could not think of anything worse than camping and did wonder what on earth would make someone want to do this theme for a wedding! However I was pleasantly surprised and fell in love with the lace tent and lanterns, the rustic candy bar and all the other glorious details which you must go and check out.
Perhaps my view on camping could possibly be changed and it is not all about damp sleeping bags, being attacked by cows in a field and waking up to one with it's head sticking in through the tent door, plus 100 plus mossie bites?!
It would still take a lot to sell this to me though and I do recall a few years ago my sister was invited to a hippy style hen night that involved sleeping outside in posh tents and she elected to pay extra for a bedroom inside the house with central heating and carpets ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hhhhmmmm...i totally sympathize with you about the camping. But this IS a dreamy looking shoot! Love the lace-trimmed tent!
