Real weddings, wedding inspiration and style, gorgeous ideas,

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Vintage Charm Santa, wreath and bunting Country Home Magazine, shoes in pot Sarah Kaye presents

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas, to my readers, commenters and blog friends.

Signing off now as all my family and friends arrive here in Spain for the festivities and off to attempt some mince pies D!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Orange Inspirations for Christmas

As I keep looking out my kitchen window at my orange tree that amazingly this year has oranges on it, the only option seemed to be to make marmalade, now having seen this photo I can think of a better option for all my oranges!

All that Glitters

Christmas cooking has gone on the back burner as I stumble upon some more wonderful blogs and so many talented people, I absolutely love these images, so girly and festive from
the City Sage so in case you have not had enough christmas glitz yet I thought I would share these with you!

Christmas Cupcakes

Not being particuarly good at cake baking, the festive spirit has taken hold of me and my new Nigella Christmas cookbook is about to be tried and tested, but as usual for inspiration
I have googled Christmas Cupcakes and come across these fabulous photos on I fear my attempts at baking over the next few days will not produce anything like these but I can do a mean turkey!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Marbella Bling

More from my fabulous find of OnceWed, some Marbella Bling made of yes you have guessed it rock candy, what a change from the real diamonds and such a great idea, a glue gun and some sugar rock, more details on Once Wed.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter table inspirations

I have completely fallen in love with this fabulous blog, O
ncewed, it is full of delightful details for weddings and table settings. Such a creative blog and now one of my favorites. This winter table setting with all the lovely details such as the ribbons and tags, the jam jars filled with poppies and white flowers, the fabulous owl and of course the marshmallows, my sister's favourites! I think the Marshmallow snowman will have to be on display in my house by the time my sister arrives, although I only managed to get a bag today with pink and white ones?!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter Wedding Themes

I love this centrepiece idea for a winter wedding and can imagine this with the beautiful winter wedding I just posted.

Winter Wonderland Wedding

Can you imagine my excitement when I found these beautiful images of a winter wedding on Style me Pretty. Photos are from James Christianson. Truly beautiful and absolutely love the bride's shawl.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

More Christmas Ideas

More from Flickr, just love the cupcake tree and of course anything that is pink!

Vintage Christmas

Feeling festive today so been browsing Christmas ideas and came across this lovely mosaic on Flickr with all these vintage christmas decorations. I remember my parents with these gorgeous glass decorations, sadly I think most of them smashed over the years.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

French Provence Style Weddings

Images courtesy of Once Wed, Snippet and Ink and Flickr

Having been stuck at home with a nasty dose of the sniffles, yet again, it is the time of year, I have been indulging in some reading with Carole Drinkwater's books about olive farming in the Provence. Here are some of my inspirations for a Provence wedding theme. It does sound rather idyllic and peaceful there with an abundance of food and wine lovers! My sister has had the fortunate experience of visiting Carole in her wonderful french home, Appasionata, so will quiz her now when she arrives here this Christmas!

More Table Numbers

It is always a test for any designer to incorporate the essential and sometimes boring aspects of any interior or event into the overall scheme and we are always searching for ways to make these mundane but essential objects slightly more exciting or indeed blend in or become a feature. Televisions are an interior designers nightmare!
But as a wedding designer and having seen so many silver sticks with table numbers stuck in them I am currently researching ways of making these essential but boring necessities rather more appealing. Here I have found some original ways of numbering tables for weddings, again as I constantly preach it is the attention to details that are all important!

Poms Poms at weddings!

I just shrieked when I found this fabulous photo on Once Wed (amazing blog I have stumbled across), throwing poms poms instead of confetti, I absolutely love it! It is something that is so familiar with childhood and so comforting, I remember making them at school for all sorts of crafts. Going to have to make some white and silver ones now for Christmas to hang everywhere! Reminds me somewhat of the Critters though!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fuschia Pink Winter Wedding at Los Monteros

What beautiful weather this lucky couple had yesterday at Los Monteros. Annie and Marc chose a fuschia pink theme for their wedding and it was perfect for such a glorious day. Here are some images of the ceremony area as we were setting it up yesterday morning. Needless to say a lunch on the beach was a well deserved treat afterwards!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cupcakes in Marbella

Memories haunt me and I will never forget going into a very tempting spanish bakery about ten years ago, one rainy afternoon, with my husband and greedily buying a whole bag of what looked like delicious cakes, only to get home and be overwhelmed with the taste of cinnamon. I so remember the disappointment.

The cupcake trend is new here in Spain and after much investigating in 2008 (and testing!) we have joined up with a wonderful cake maker here in Marbella who can create beautiful cupcakes rather than the dubious spanish versions, forgive me! Here are some images of her cakes from a wedding in September, they were lovely, cake toppers available from our online shop. We will also be stocking filigree cupcakes holders and matching confetti cones in our new online store, for more information please email us.

Weekend fun!

The weekend, time for a bit of fun, albeit I have a wedding tomorrow!

New products for 2009

Whilst we are researching delightful products for our new online store, here is a sneak preview of some of the unusual products we will offer for 2009 to make your wedding or event truly special and unique. Ribbon wands, individual initials to hang from goodness knows where, we love decorating trees in particular!, cupcake flags and these delightful personalised origami favours.

Lanterns we love them!

Two images above Hanging Lanterns and Sky lanterns at Los Monteros Images courtesy of Jeremy Standley

Our new product for 2009 floating water lanterns

One of our most popular products are our lanterns, we love them, they create such beautiful atmospheres for our weddings and parties on hot balmy Mediterranean nights.
Water lanterns, sky lanterns and a whole host of hanging lanterns,
we cannot stock enough of them!